Our plant is humming right along and our concrete plant is manufacturing three more parking structures for our clients. One is a 240 space vehicle storage building for a car dealership in Kitchener. What a brilliant idea!
Protects all those lovely new cars, but more importantly….because there are NO giant, concrete columns inside, it’s easy to park those vehicles without worrying about dinging the doors on concrete columns. A 120 space structure is already being erected for a new Marriott hotel being built in Mississauga. How lovely for their future guests….protected parking….especially nice in the dead of winter! An addition to an existing manufacturing facility in Livonia, Michigan has necessitated a 150 space parking garage for their employees plus a connecting bridge between the plant and the garage. This is a 3 storey parking structure and it’s already being shipped. Newton Group Ltd. is also building the plant addition plus the bridge. Yes, our CANADACAR Parking Structure is definitely catching on. It’s faster to build, has lower capital costs and lower maintenance costs. It’s the better way to build a parking structure!